The official Legends of Tomorrow Writers’ Twitter account recently was set up at @LoTWritersRoom, and, answering a Tweet where we asked, they pointed us toward the Twitter feeds for several of their writers!
So, who’s who?
Phil Klemmer
Perhaps the best known name of the pack, Phil Klemmer was showrunner on The Tomorrow People two seasons back. He was also involved in last season’s gone-too-soon Forever, and he worked on such classics as Chuck and Veronica Mars. He’ll fit in perfectly…
Sarah Nicole Jones
Sarah Nicole Jones also comes to us from Forever, where she was a writer and co-producer. She was also an executive story editor for Longmire.
Ray Utarnachitt
Ray UtarnachittĀ was a writer on The Flash episode “Who Is Harrison Wells?” which automatically gets him some points in our book. He has also written for Person of Interest and The Tomorrow People, and was a script coordinator for Psych and Undercovers. He also wins the award for the name we’re going to have to be sure to triple-check before ever typing, to be sure we spelled it right.
Cortney Norris
“Bostonian through and through” Cortney Norris also has “Who Is Harrison Wells?” on her resume, which also includes script coordinator credits on many shows, including Mad Men, The Finder, Political Animals, Golden Boy, and The Tomorrow People.
Hopefully we’ll know more about the Legends team soon. Be sure to follow them on Twitter, and while you’re at it, hopefully you’re already following our @DCLegendsTV feed as well!