Legends of Tomorrow Casts Patrick J. Adams As… Alan Scott? Ted Knight? Hourman? Booster Gold?
Legends of Tomorrow NewsSpoilers March 31, 2016 Craig Byrne 0

EW.com‘s Natalie Abrams broke the news this morning that Suits actor Patrick J. Adams has landed the role of the “beloved mystery character” that will kick off Season 2 of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow at the end of the Legends finale.
Additionally, they say that he will be a “fun character that the fans will love.”
We’ve been doing more speculating, and we’re thinking of who the most beloved characters in the DC Universe might be. Since the character is male, Donna Troy is not it. Candidates like Dick Grayson are off the table for Batty reasons. REALLY big names like Captain Marvel are surely off the table.
But here are some guesses we have, to narrow it down some more:
Alan Scott?
Marc Guggenheim wrote Alan Scott, comics’ original Green Lantern, in the Justice Society of America comic book. Being a Green Lantern might cause a movie conflict, right? Not exactly, as this guy is not a member of the Corps, and you can easily have “Alan Scott” without even saying the words “Green Lantern.” Like Jay Garrick in the comics, Alan Scott is seen as one of the “elder statesmen” of the comics world; if the team were to meet him in the 1940s, plucked out of time, he’d be a great and very likely choice.
Ted Knight?
Most fans of the beloved Starman comic book series by James Robinson and Tony Harris know Ted as an older guy, and The Golden Age showed his flaws… but Patrick J. Adams certainly could pass for him. Also, again, he’s pretty well-loved among fans. Older fans, though, might associate the name with the actor Ted Knight of Mary Tyler Moore and Too Close For Comfort fame, who also had a DC pedigree of his own, narrating Superfriends for a time. Again, if it’s Ted, he will probably be from a different area… though, selfishly, we also say that so Jack Knight, his son, would be squarely in the 90’s where he belongs in his awesome glory.
Arrow kind of gave us their own spin on the Hourman thing with Mirakuru in the well-received second season of that show, and the TV show Limitless might give us the closest thing to an Hourman TV show that we could possibly get. At one point, The CW was even going to do an Hourman TV show.
Earlier this year, the DC Comics Instagram account hinted Hourman’s hourglass as being something we’d see on the show (see to your right); eagle-eyed Legends of Tomorrow viewers have seen the hourglass on the Legends set, too.
We’re assuming if it is Hourman that it is the Rex Tyler version, as to do a Paul Bettany-Vision type thing for the android Hourman might be way too time-intensive.
Booster Gold?
The hint given today was “fun,” and Booster is certainly that. Geoff Johns has hinted there are still plans for Booster Gold, but unless Booster is at the center of Legends, it might be unlikely. He’d still be a very strong guess. Though we can’t really have Booster without Ted Kord (Blue Beetle), right, and we basically already have a TV surrogate for Ted in Brandon Routh’s Ray Palmer.
The Legends of Tomorrow season finale is called “Legendary” and the show has already been picked up for a second season.
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