TV Line Finale Preview Adds To Alan Scott Speculation
Legends of Tomorrow NewsSpoilers April 25, 2016 Craig Byrne 2

The website TV Line just did a roundup of season finale previews for 24 fan-favorite shows, and Legends of Tomorrow was one of them. For Legends, they offered some quotes from Executive Producer Phil Klemmer, which also offer a hint about the identity of the “mystery hero” that will be appearing in the season finale and kicking off Season Two.
Here’s what TV Line wrote about the season finale:
As the season closes, Klemmer says, “We will have to check in on” the world the Legends left behind in 2016 and meet a mystery hero (Suits’ Patrick J. Adams) who presents “a fork in the road” — as well as “glimpse of the show to come, which is going to be a lot different” in Season 2. One clue to the interloper’s identity: he wears a cape….
You can read their roundup here. And now, our thoughts: A cape, huh?
A few weeks ago, we suspected that Patrick J. Adams’ character could be one of four characters — Alan Scott (comics’ original Green Lantern), Ted Knight (Starman), Hourman, or Booster Gold. Now, we know this character has a cape, narrowing it down to one of those first three.
DCLegendsTV was first to make the “Alan Scott” speculation, something the website Bleeding Cool said more definitively (we might add, a few days after our original post… not that they acknowledged DCLegendsTV’s posting).
In other words? We’re thinking now more than ever that it will be the DC Comics character Alan Scott as the Mystery Hero. The character could appear without even uttering the words “Green Lantern.” We’ll see if things turn out being right…
UPDATE: We are now hearing that it’s not Alan Scott. But we still think it may be one of those other choices…